Polly Lingual

by Pangaea Learning



Learn foreign languages with interactive lessons and live video tutors

Polly Lingual is a multi-faceted learning platform for studying foreign languages.We understand acquiring a foreign language is a complex task, with different learning techniques suited for different parts of the experience. Our interactive lessons provide students with rote exercises to master foundational vocabulary and grammar, while Polly Ambassadors bring students all the way to fluency through video tutoring.The interactive lessons use a variety of proven algorithms to make learning efficient and engaging. To gain access to all the lessons and advanced features requires a Polly Passport, our all inclusive subscription model.Polly Ambassadors are available for private video sessions to help student with pronunciation, practice conversation, learn local dialects, and more. Videos sessions are sold separately, or by 5- and 10-session bundles, depending on the Ambassador. Some Ambassadors even offer 30-minute trial lessons.Minor bug fixes

Read trusted reviews from application customers

contains ads lots of interruption

Guru Reddy

Love it..

Iram Khan


Yassine DZ

برنامج جميل ومفيد جدا .ارجو منكم اضافة اللغة التركية والكردية وشكرا

Nunu Farouk

Please make it completely free

S. Zeeshan e Zehra

great idea for learning language

A Google user

I really love the game ideas and the amount of lessons there are for each language. But the app itself is very slow and just doesn't seem set up well enough for me to spend money on it. I would love to see a better, more flowy (I don't know how else to describe it 😂) interface to guide you in learning the language.

Marissa Maggart

... it doesn't fit my phone screen. Oh well. Maybe it's meant for tablets?

Laura G

The android app is so slow. Galaxy s7.Waste of time.


Great to review and learn languages :)))

Prof Renato Pinheiro De Aguiar